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A "Now" Page is an idea I came across in Derek Sivers' great book Your Music and People. I update this every month or so with what I'm working on right now. I write it from the perspective of what I would share with you if I hadn't seen you in a year or so. 

(Updated 1/7/2024)


  • Our son is finishing up his 7th grade basketball season for the school team. He has fallen in love with basketball and it's been awesome to watch him progress. 

  • My wife and I are coaching our daughter's 5/6th grade basketball team. It's a great group of girls and they're getting better every week. 

  • We booked a summer trip to Australia. We'll travel the east coast in a camper van and check out the Great Barrier Reef. We're stopping for a few days in Fiji on the way home. 

  • We'll hit the east coast of the U.S. for Spring Break. We'll see baseball games in Phily, D.C., Baltimore, and Chicago. We'll hit two national parks. And we'll get lost for a day in the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. 

  • We're trying to take one family selfie every day for the whole year. We'll edit together a cool video at the end of the year. 


  • After 10 years teaching online for the California Virtual Academies (CAVA), I'm now teaching at Branciforte Middle School. I teach 6th grade English and Social Studies, and 8th grade English Language Development (ELD). I am also the Athletic Director. Our son goes there now, and our daughter will also be there next year.

  • I'm sending out a Daily Dispatch email on weekdays where I share personal development ideas to help readers thrive. I've been doing it now for a few years, and I love how it forces my creative juices to flow daily.

  • I continue to coach several clients around personal development and entrepreneurship.

  • I'm teaching TXT classes here in Santa Cruz Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 6am.   

  • I'm working on a book with a good friend of mine. The working title is Baseball is Life. We're drawing on our experiences as baseball players, parents, and coaches to share stories, reminders, and advice for youth baseball parents. 

Good Reads

  • I just finished reading 60 Songs That Explain the 90s by Rob Harvilla. It's based on the amazing podcast of the same name

  • I'm reading Built to Move by Juliet and Kelly Starrett and Outlive by Peter Attia and Bill Gifford. I'm looking to increase my mobility while decreasing my stiffness. And I'm looking to incorporate as many healthy habits into my routine as possible so I can be physically and mentally active for as long as I live. 

  • I'm re-reading Four Thousand Weeks by Oliver Burkeman. It's one of the best books I've ever read. One of its many great messages is to embrace that we will never get to a point where we can put life on cruise control. 


  • We've been enjoying the impressive season by the San Francisco 49ers, as they enter the playoffs as the top seed in the NFC.

  • We went to our first Warriors game as a family over the holiday break. The new arena is pretty impressive. 

  • We've been watching Malcolm in the Middle and Everybody Hates Chris as a family. Each of us can relate to certain characters in each show. 

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