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Chris Carlock

My Journey as a Personal Development Coach

Since 2018, I’ve been working as a Coaching Professional who specializes in supporting people make Perpetual Progress. I first learned about coaching while making my own Perpetual Progress.  


I start every day with my Miracle Morning, which is a routine created by Hal Elrod. My version of this routine includes silence, visualmations (visualizations + affirmations), reading, writing, and exercise. Starting every day this way has given me structure, and has allowed me to create my own path of Perpetual Progress


I have received so much value from this simple daily practice. I want to share

that value, and the excitement that comes with it, with as many people as

possible. This desire led me to coaching.


I completed the Core Essentials Program and the Professional Essentials

Master Program at Coach U, a world-renowned coach-training program

that has been around for more than 30 years. I am a member of the

International Coaching Federation (ICF).    


Being a Professional Coach has allowed me to help others create their own Miracle Morning and find their own path of Perpetual Progress while tapping into what makes them come alive! 


I work with great clients who have a lot going for them, and they feel as though something is missing. Most of my clients have loving partners and beautiful, healthy families. Many have lives that most people would view from the outside as being ideal. But from the inside, there's a voice that continues to wonder, "How do I reach the next level in __________? I'm so close, yet sometimes it feels so far. I'm tired of beating myself up about ___________, and I'm ready to get a little support and make a few changes. I can't see the forest through the trees and I need a different perspective." 


I work with great clients like this because I am that client! I am married to a loving, supportive, amazing woman. We have two healthy, happy, empathetic children. I have a beautiful home in Santa Cruz, California. But that voice in my head wouldn't go away until I found my version of the Miracle Morning, and created my path of Perpetual Progress. Full disclosure: That voice still taunts me occasionally, and I work with my own coach to give me a different perspective. 


Perpetual Progress is a mindset shift that provides fulfillment through moving forward every day. The goal is to get a little bit better each day by making deposits into my 10 Life Accounts. By focusing on the process of Perpetual Progress, instead of a specific product or outcome, I am better able to see and enjoy the gifts in every moment.   


My Journey as a Person

I'm a child of the 80's, growing up with Saturday morning cartoons, playing outside until mom called us in for dinner, listening to music on a battery-powered boom box, and riding a bike everywhere. 


Here are a few highlights from the first 40+ years:


  • Raised in Suisun City, California with two younger brothers by an amazingly supportive mom and dad. 

  • Still friends with my fourth-grade pals with whom I used to play sports, have sleep-overs, and trade baseball cards. Now we talk sports and trade fantasy baseball players!

  • Earned a Bachelor's Degree in Broadcasting from Arizona State University in 1999. 

  • Directed the Youth Sports leagues for the City of Scottsdale, Arizona. 

  • Worked and traveled with the Arizona Diamondbacks as the "Video Guy" for four seasons, including the 2001 World Series Championship season. Yes, I'd be happy to show you my ring!

  • Earned a Master's Degree in Sport Management from the University of San Francisco in 2010.

  • Directed the Adult Sports leagues for the city of Santa Cruz, California.

  • Married the love of my life in 2009. Became a proud dad to our son in 2010, and our daughter in 2013. 

  • Became an English and Journalism teacher for California Virtual Academies in 2013.

  • Lost my own dad in 2013 to a brutally one-sided fight against lung cancer. 

  • Fell in love with the world of personal development in 2015, and discovered that becoming a Personal Development Coach would allow me to share what I've learned in the most impactful way.    

My Journey Through Music

We can learn a lot about someone by listening to what music they like. If you come over to our house, you will likely be serenaded by everyone from The Beatles to Led Zeppelin to Hall & Oates to Foo Fighters to Jay Z to Taylor Swift! If you find yourself tapping your feet to this up-tempo playlist filled with some of my favorites, we're probably cut from the same mold and destined to connect!

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